
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import x11.X, x11.Xlib, x11.extensions.XI;
Undocumented in source.
public import x11.X, x11.Xlib, x11.extensions.XI;
Undocumented in source.
public import x11.X, x11.Xlib, x11.extensions.XI;
Undocumented in source.



alias XAnyClassPtr = XAnyClassInfo*
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alias XAxisInfoPtr = XAxisInfo*
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alias XButtonInfoPtr = XButtonInfo*
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alias XDeviceAbsAreaState = XDeviceAbsAreaControl
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alias XDeviceAbsCalibState = XDeviceAbsCalibControl
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alias XDeviceButtonPressedEvent = XDeviceButtonEvent
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alias XDeviceButtonReleasedEvent = XDeviceButtonEvent
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alias XDeviceEnableState = XDeviceEnableControl
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alias XDeviceFocusInEvent = XDeviceFocusChangeEvent
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alias XDeviceFocusOutEvent = XDeviceFocusChangeEvent
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alias XDeviceInfoPtr = XDeviceInfo*
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alias XDeviceKeyPressedEvent = XDeviceKeyEvent
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alias XDeviceKeyReleasedEvent = XDeviceKeyEvent
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alias XKeyInfoPtr = XKeyInfo*
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alias XProximityInEvent = XProximityNotifyEvent
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alias XProximityOutEvent = XProximityNotifyEvent
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alias XValuatorInfoPtr = XValuatorInfo*
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auto BadClass(A dpy, B error)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
auto BadDevice(A dpy, B error)
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auto BadEvent(A dpy, B error)
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auto BadMode(A dpy, B error)
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auto ChangeDeviceNotify(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceBusy(A dpy, B error)
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auto DeviceButton1Motion(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceButton2Motion(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceButton3Motion(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceButton4Motion(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceButton5Motion(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceButtonMotion(A d, B type, C _class)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
auto DeviceButtonPress(A d, B type, C _class)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
auto DeviceButtonPressGrab(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceButtonRelease(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceFocusIn(A d, B type, C _class)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
auto DeviceFocusOut(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceKeyPress(A d, B type, C _class)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
auto DeviceKeyRelease(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceMappingNotify(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceMotionNotify(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceOwnerGrabButton(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DevicePointerMotionHint(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DevicePresence(A dpy, B type, C _class)
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auto DevicePropertyNotify(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto DeviceStateNotify(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto FindTypeAndClass(A d, B type, C _class, D classid, E offset)
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auto NoExtensionEvent(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto ProximityIn(A d, B type, C _class)
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auto ProximityOut(A d, B type, C _class)
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int XAllowDeviceEvents(Display* , XDevice* , int , Time )
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int XChangeDeviceControl(Display* , XDevice* , int , XDeviceControl* )
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int XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList(Display* , Window , int , XEventClass* , int )
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int XChangeDeviceKeyMapping(Display* , XDevice* , int , int , KeySym* , int )
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void XChangeDeviceProperty(Display* , XDevice* , Atom , Atom , int , int , const(ubyte)* , int )
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int XChangeFeedbackControl(Display* , XDevice* , ulong , XFeedbackControl* )
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int XChangeKeyboardDevice(Display* , XDevice* )

Function definitions.

int XChangePointerDevice(Display* , XDevice* , int , int )
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int XCloseDevice(Display* , XDevice* )
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void XDeleteDeviceProperty(Display* , XDevice* , Atom )
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int XDeviceBell(Display* , XDevice* , XID , XID , int )
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void XFreeDeviceControl(XDeviceControl* )
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void XFreeDeviceList(XDeviceInfo* )
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void XFreeDeviceMotionEvents(XDeviceTimeCoord* )
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void XFreeDeviceState(XDeviceState* )
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void XFreeFeedbackList(XFeedbackState* )
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int XGetDeviceButtonMapping(Display* , XDevice* , ubyte* , uint )
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XDeviceControl* XGetDeviceControl(Display* , XDevice* , int )
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XEventClass* XGetDeviceDontPropagateList(Display* , Window , int* )
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int XGetDeviceFocus(Display* , XDevice* , Window* , int* , Time* )
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KeySym* XGetDeviceKeyMapping(Display* , XDevice* , KeyCode , int , int* )
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XModifierKeymap* XGetDeviceModifierMapping(Display* , XDevice* )
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XDeviceTimeCoord* XGetDeviceMotionEvents(Display* , XDevice* , Time , Time , int* , int* , int* )
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Status XGetDeviceProperty(Display* , XDevice* , Atom , long , long , Bool , Atom , Atom* , int* , ulong* , ulong* , ubyte** )
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XExtensionVersion* XGetExtensionVersion(Display* , const(char)* )
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XFeedbackState* XGetFeedbackControl(Display* , XDevice* , int* )
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int XGetSelectedExtensionEvents(Display* , Window , int* , XEventClass** , int* , XEventClass** )
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int XGrabDevice(Display* , XDevice* , Window , Bool , int , XEventClass* , int , int , Time )
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int XGrabDeviceButton(Display* , XDevice* , uint , uint , XDevice* , Window , Bool , uint , XEventClass* , int , int )
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int XGrabDeviceKey(Display* , XDevice* , uint , uint , XDevice* , Window , Bool , uint , XEventClass* , int , int )
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Atom* XListDeviceProperties(Display* , XDevice* , int* )
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XDeviceInfo* XListInputDevices(Display* , int* )
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XDevice* XOpenDevice(Display* , XID )
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XDeviceState* XQueryDeviceState(Display* , XDevice* )
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int XSelectExtensionEvent(Display* , Window , XEventClass* , int )
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Status XSendExtensionEvent(Display* , XDevice* , Window , Bool , int , XEventClass* , XEvent* )
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int XSetDeviceButtonMapping(Display* , XDevice* , ubyte* , int )
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int XSetDeviceFocus(Display* , XDevice* , Window , int , Time )
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int XSetDeviceMode(Display* , XDevice* , int )
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int XSetDeviceModifierMapping(Display* , XDevice* , XModifierKeymap* )
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int XSetDeviceValuators(Display* , XDevice* , int* , int , int )
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int XUngrabDevice(Display* , XDevice* , Time )
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int XUngrabDeviceButton(Display* , XDevice* , uint , uint , XDevice* , Window )
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int XUngrabDeviceKey(Display* , XDevice* , uint , uint , XDevice* , Window )
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int _XiGetDevicePresenceNotifyEvent(Display* )
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void _xibadclass(Display* dpy, int* error)
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void _xibaddevice(Display* dpy, int* error)
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void _xibadevent(Display* dpy, int* error)
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void _xibadmode(Display* dpy, int* error)
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void _xidevicebusy(Display* dpy, int* error)
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Manifest constants

enum _changeDeviceNotify;
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enum _deviceButtonPress;
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enum _deviceButtonRelease;
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enum _deviceFocusIn;
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enum _deviceFocusOut;
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enum _deviceKeyPress;
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enum _deviceKeyRelease;
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enum _deviceMappingNotify;
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enum _deviceMotionNotify;
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enum _deviceStateNotify;
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enum _propertyNotify;
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enum _proximityIn;
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enum _proximityOut;
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struct XAnyClassInfo

An array of XDeviceList structures is returned by the XListInputDevices function. Each entry contains information about one input device. Among that information is an array of pointers to structures that describe the characteristics of the input device.

struct XAxisInfo
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struct XBellFeedbackControl
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struct XBellFeedbackState
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struct XButtonInfo
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struct XButtonState
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struct XButtonStatus
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struct XChangeDeviceNotifyEvent

ChangeDeviceNotify event. This event is sent when an XChangeKeyboard or XChangePointer request is made.

struct XDevice
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struct XDeviceAbsAreaControl
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struct XDeviceAbsCalibControl
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struct XDeviceButtonEvent

DeviceButton events. These events are sent by extension devices that support input class Buttons.

struct XDeviceControl

Device control structures.

struct XDeviceCoreControl
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struct XDeviceCoreState
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struct XDeviceEnableControl
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struct XDeviceFocusChangeEvent

DeviceFocusChange events. These events are sent when the focus of an extension device that can be focused is changed.

struct XDeviceInfo
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struct XDeviceKeyEvent

DeviceKey events. These events are sent by input devices that support input class Keys. The location of the X pointer is reported in the coordinate fields of the x,y and x_root,y_root fields.

struct XDeviceMappingEvent

DeviceMappingNotify event. This event is sent when the key mapping, modifier mapping, or button mapping of an extension device is changed.

struct XDeviceMotionEvent

DeviceMotionNotify event. These events are sent by extension devices that support input class Valuators.

struct XDevicePresenceNotifyEvent

DevicePresenceNotify event. This event is sent when the list of input devices changes, in which case devchange will be false, and no information about the change will be contained in the event; the client should use XListInputDevices() to learn what has changed.

struct XDevicePropertyNotifyEvent
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struct XDeviceResolutionControl
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struct XDeviceResolutionState
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struct XDeviceState

Device state structure. This is returned by the XQueryDeviceState request.

struct XDeviceStateNotifyEvent
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struct XDeviceTimeCoord

The following structure is used to return motion history data from an input device that supports the input class Valuators. This information is returned by the XGetDeviceMotionEvents function.

struct XEventList

The following structure is used to return information for the XGetSelectedExtensionEvents function.

struct XFeedbackControl
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struct XFeedbackState

Control structures for input devices that support input class Feedback. These are used by the XGetFeedbackControl and XChangeFeedbackControl functions.

struct XInputClass

DeviceStateNotify events are generated on EnterWindow and FocusIn for those clients who have selected DeviceState.

struct XInputClassInfo

An XDevice structure is returned by the XOpenDevice function. It contains an array of pointers to XInputClassInfo structures. Each contains information about a class of input supported by the device, including a pointer to an array of data for each type of event the device reports.

struct XIntegerFeedbackControl
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struct XIntegerFeedbackState
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struct XKbdFeedbackControl
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struct XKbdFeedbackState
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struct XKeyInfo
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struct XKeyState
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struct XKeyStatus
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struct XLedFeedbackControl
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struct XLedFeedbackState
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struct XProximityNotifyEvent

ProximityNotify events. These events are sent by those absolute positioning devices that are capable of generating proximity information.

struct XPtrFeedbackControl
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struct XPtrFeedbackState
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struct XStringFeedbackControl
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struct XStringFeedbackState
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struct XValuatorInfo
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struct XValuatorState

Note that the mode field is a bitfield that reports the Proximity status of the device as well as the mode. The mode field should be OR'd with the mask DeviceMode and compared with the values Absolute and Relative to determine the mode, and should be OR'd with the mask ProximityState and compared with the values InProximity and OutOfProximity to determine the proximity state.

struct XValuatorStatus
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