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alias Region = _XRegion*
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alias XContext = int
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alias XICCEncodingStyle = int
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anonymousenum BitmapSuccess
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anonymousenum DontCareState
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anonymousenum InputHint
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anonymousenum RectangleOut
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anonymousenum USPosition
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anonymousenum VisualNoMask
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anonymousenum WithdrawnState
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anonymousenum XCSUCCESS

Context Management

anonymousenum XStringStyle
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int XAddPixel(XImage* ximage, c_long value)
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int XAddPixel(XImage* ximage, c_long value)

XAddPixel The XAddPixel() function adds a constant value to every pixel in an image. It is useful when you have a base pixel value from allocating color resources and need to manipulate the image to that form.

XClassHint* XAllocClassHint()
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XIconSize* XAllocIconSize()
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XSizeHints* XAllocSizeHints()
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XStandardColormap* XAllocStandardColormap()
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XWMHints* XAllocWMHints()
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int XClipBox(Region , XRectangle* )
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void XConvertCase(KeySym , KeySym* , KeySym* )
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Region XCreateRegion()
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char* XDefaultString()
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int XDeleteContext(Display* , XID , XContext )
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int XDestroyImage(XImage* ximage)
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int XDestroyImage(XImage* ximage)

XDestroyImage The XDestroyImage() function deallocates the memory associated with the XImage structure. Note that when the image is created using XCreateImage(), XGetImage(), or XSubImage(), the destroy procedure that this macro calls frees both the image structure and the data pointed to by the image structure.

int XDestroyRegion(Region )
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int XEmptyRegion(Region )
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int XEqualRegion(Region , Region )
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int XFindContext(Display* , XID , XContext , XPointer* )
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Status XGetClassHint(Display* , Window , XClassHint* )
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Status XGetIconSizes(Display* , Window , XIconSize** , int* )
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Status XGetNormalHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* )
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c_ulong XGetPixel(XImage* ximage, int x, int y)
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c_ulong XGetPixel(XImage* ximage, int x, int y)

XGetPixel The XGetPixel() function returns the specified pixel from the named image. The pixel value is returned in normalized format (that is, the least-significant byte of the long is the least-significant byte of the pixel). The image must contain the x and y coordinates.

Status XGetRGBColormaps(Display* , Window , XStandardColormap** , int* , Atom )
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Status XGetSizeHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* , Atom )
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Status XGetStandardColormap(Display* , Window , XStandardColormap* , Atom )
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Status XGetTextProperty(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* , Atom )
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XVisualInfo* XGetVisualInfo(Display* , long , XVisualInfo* , int* )
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Status XGetWMClientMachine(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* )
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XWMHints* XGetWMHints(Display* , Window )
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Status XGetWMIconName(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* )
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Status XGetWMName(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* )
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Status XGetWMNormalHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* , long* )
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Status XGetWMSizeHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* , long* , Atom )
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Status XGetZoomHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* )
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int XIntersectRegion(Region , Region , Region )
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int XLookupString(XKeyEvent* , char* , int , KeySym* , XComposeStatus* )
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Status XMatchVisualInfo(Display* , int , int , int , XVisualInfo* )
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int XOffsetRegion(Region , int , int )
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Bool XPointInRegion(Region , int , int )
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Region XPolygonRegion(x11.Xregion.XPoint* , int , int )
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int XPutPixel(XImage* ximage, int x, int y, c_ulong pixel)
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int XPutPixel(XImage* ximage, int x, int y, c_ulong pixel)

XPutPixel The XPutPixel() function overwrites the pixel in the named image with the specified pixel value. The input pixel value must be in normalized format (that is, the least-significant byte of the long is the least-significant byte of the pixel). The image must contain the x and y coordinates.

int XRectInRegion(Region , int , int , uint , uint )
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int XSaveContext(Display* , XID , XContext , char* )
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int XSetClassHint(Display* , Window , XClassHint* )
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int XSetIconSizes(Display* , Window , XIconSize* , int )
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int XSetNormalHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* )
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void XSetRGBColormaps(Display* , Window , XStandardColormap* , int , Atom )
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int XSetRegion(Display* , GC , Region )
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int XSetSizeHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* , Atom )
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void XSetStandardColormap(Display* , Window , XStandardColormap* , Atom )
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int XSetStandardProperties(Display* , Window , char* , char* , Pixmap , char** , int , XSizeHints* )
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void XSetTextProperty(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* , Atom )
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void XSetWMClientMachine(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* )
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int XSetWMHints(Display* , Window , XWMHints* )
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void XSetWMIconName(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* )
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void XSetWMName(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* )
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void XSetWMNormalHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* )
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void XSetWMProperties(Display* , Window , XTextProperty* , XTextProperty* , char** , int , XSizeHints* , XWMHints* , XClassHint* )
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void XSetWMSizeHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* , Atom )
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int XSetZoomHints(Display* , Window , XSizeHints* )
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int XShrinkRegion(Region , int , int )
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Status XStringListToTextProperty(char** , int , XTextProperty* )
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XContext XStringToContext(char* statement)
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XImage* XSubImage(XImage* ximage, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)
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XImage XSubImage(XImage* ximage, int x, int y, uint width, uint height)

XSubImage The XSubImage() function creates a new image that is a subsection of an existing one. It allocates the memory necessary for the new XImage structure and returns a pointer to the new image. The data is copied from the source image, and the image must contain the rectangle defined by x, y, subimage_width, and subimage_height.

int XSubtractRegion(Region , Region , Region )
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Status XTextPropertyToStringList(XTextProperty* , char*** , int* )
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int XUnionRectWithRegion(XRectangle* , Region , Region )
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int XUnionRegion(Region , Region , Region )
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int XWMGeometry(Display* , int , char* , char* , uint , XSizeHints* , int* , int* , int* , int* , int* )
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int XXorRegion(Region , Region , Region )
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void XmbSetWMProperties(Display* , Window , char* , char* , char** , int , XSizeHints* , XWMHints* , XClassHint* )
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int XmbTextListToTextProperty(Display* display, char** list, int count, XICCEncodingStyle style, XTextProperty* text_prop_return)
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int XmbTextPropertyToTextList(Display* display, XTextProperty* text_prop, char*** list_return, int* count_return)
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void Xutf8SetWMProperties(Display* , Window , char* , char* , char** , int , XSizeHints* , XWMHints* , XClassHint* )
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int Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(Display* display, char** list, int count, XICCEncodingStyle style, XTextProperty* text_prop_return)
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int Xutf8TextPropertyToTextList(Display* display, XTextProperty* text_prop, char*** list_return, int* count_return)
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void XwcFreeStringList(wchar** list)
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int XwcTextListToTextProperty(Display* display, wchar** list, int count, XICCEncodingStyle style, XTextProperty* text_prop_return)
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int XwcTextPropertyToTextList(Display* display, XTextProperty* text_prop, wchar*** list_return, int* count_return)
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struct XClassHint
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struct XComposeStatus
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struct XIconSize
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struct XSizeHints
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struct XStandardColormap
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struct XTextProperty
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struct XVisualInfo
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struct XWMHints
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template IsCursorKey(KeySym keysym)
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template IsFunctionKey(KeySym keysym)
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template IsKeypadKey(KeySym keysym)
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template IsMiscFunctionKey(KeySym keysym)
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template IsModifierKey(KeySym keysym)
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template IsModifierKey(keysym)
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template IsPFKey(KeySym keysym)
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template IsPrivateKeypadKey(KeySym keysym)
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template XUniqueContext()
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int AllValues;
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int HeightValue;
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int NoValue;
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c_long PAllHints;
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XID ReleaseByFreeingColormap;
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int WidthValue;
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int XConverterNotFound;
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int XLocaleNotSupported;
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int XNegative;
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int XNoMemory;
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int XValue;
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int YNegative;
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int YValue;
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